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Investor FAQs

The Company Announces Q4 2024 Results

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Where is AeroVironment's (AV's) corporate headquarters?

Our corporate headquarters is located at 241 18th Street South, Suite 415, Arlington, VA 22202

Where is the company incorporated?

AeroVironment is a Delaware corporation.

When did AeroVironment go public? What was the price?

AeroVironment became a public company on January 23, 2007 at an IPO price of $17 per share.

What is AeroVironment's fiscal year?

Our fiscal year begins on May 1 and ends on April 30.

How is AeroVironment's stock traded?

Our stock is traded on the NASDAQ Global market under the symbol "AVAV"

Does AeroVironment pay dividends?

No, we currently do not pay dividends.

Who is AeroVironment's transfer agent?

Our transfer agent is American Stock Transfer & Trust Company (AST).

How do I transfer stock, change the address on my shareholder account, or replace a lost stock certificate?

Contact American Stock Transfer & Trust Company (AST), our transfer agents, with any questions relating to stock transfer, change of address or certificate replacement.

Whom do I contact with questions about my stock?

Please contact our Investor Relations group with any questions about your stock at

Does AeroVironment have a direct stock purchase plan?


Who is AeroVironment's auditor?

Our auditor is Deloitte.

Who is AeroVironment's legal counsel?

Our external legal counsel is Latham and Watkins.

How many employees does AeroVironment have?

AeroVironment employs 1,165 full-time employees (as of June 30, 2021).

Where can I find out more about AeroVironment?

Please view our website and corporate filings to learn more about AV.

Where can I get the latest corporate news releases and financial reports?

Please click on "Press Releases" to view our latest corporate news. Financial reports will be accessible through the "Financial Filings" link once they become available.

How can I view documents AeroVironment has filed with the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC), including Forms 10-K and 10-Q?

Please click on "SEC Filings" to view documents AeroVironment has filed with the Securities & Exchange Commission.

Who makes up the AeroVironment Executive Management team and Board of Directors?

Please click on "Corporate Governance" and then on "Management" to view a listing of our Executive Management team and Directors.

When is your next earnings release scheduled? How can I receive email updates for this information?

Our earnings releases will be listed under "Events and Presentations" once they are scheduled.  You may register for automatic email updates by clicking on this link:

How can I access audio replays of past events?

You may access audio replays of events within the last year by clicking on the "Events and Presentations" link and then by selecting "Past Events".

Whom should I contact regarding investor inquiries?

Investor inquiries should be directed to our Contact Form, or you may call (805) 520-8350 x4278.

What Analysts follow AeroVironment at this current time?

Please click on "Analyst Coverage" for a list of analysts following AeroVironment.

How can I obtain a copy of your annual report and proxy?

Please contact Investor Relations ( to obtain a copy of our annual report and proxy or click here.

When and where will AeroVironment hold its next annual meeting?

Please visit the "Annual Reports & Proxies" section of this website to find out about plans for our next annual meeting.